Admission to International Master of Applied Psychology (IMAP) of Tsinghua University, School of Social Sciences, 2024

Project Overview

The International Master of Applied Psychology Program (IMAP) is an international program committed to training new international psychology talents majoring in Engineering Psychology, especially for those are interested in Ergonomics, Social Psychology and Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) and User Experience, in line with the science and technological demands from within China and beyond, including the Belt and Road countries and western developed countries.

Oriented with "practical skills", IMAP focuses on imparting theory and practice of research related to Engineering Psychology and User Experience to students, developing students "practical skills, while cultivates students" ability in psychology, design, data processing and business thinking, etc. As such, it enables students to establish their own practical fields, and cultivate students to become all-round and versatile talents with international vision and professional skills.

Project Orientation

➢ New orientation:

New ways for innovation and transcendence in the era of “Psychology+” artificial intelligence.

➢ New talent:

Cultivate international, innovative and modern high-end talents of psychological science with the unity of knowledge and practice.

➢ New mode:

Develop a new training scheme through cooperation between school and enterprise in an interdisciplinary and multimodal way.

International: Cultivate international talents via international cooperation. Foster innovative talents via interdisciplinary collaboration. Nurture talents to acquire knowledge and practice via the use of science and technology.

Innovative: International communications requires attention, understanding and care. It is the heart-to-heart interaction in international exchange and internationalization that makes the most important promise. Applied psychology allows international talents to grasp the authentic side of the Chinese culture in which effective communication skills, methods, and strategies can be acquired. It also underlined the unique function of psychology in international exchange.

State-of-the-art: The breakthrough of artificial intelligence must emphasize the research on human intelligence. After all, the only intelligence scientists understand on the earth is human intelligence. As a result, new artificial intelligence breakthroughs should rely on the combination of psychology, computer sciences, and other disciplines.


Forming three groups of professors with world-class faculty.

Diverse teaching methods will be applied to this project. Supported by the Department of Psychology, School of Social Sciences, Tsinghua University. The Project takes interdisciplinary collaboration with influential majors of Tsinghua University and interacts with international high-end platforms, e.g., School of Aerospace Engineering, School of Vehicle and Mobility, Department of Computer Science and Technology, and Department of Industry Engineering. The degree prepares students for jobs of product manager, usability researcher, user interface designer, and entrepreneur in the field of aviation human factors, automotive design, IT and finance.

The School of Aerospace Engineering has a Human Computer Interaction and Environment Engineering Laboratory, which provides a platform for aviation human factors. The School of Vehicle and Mobility and Department of Industry Engineering have two advanced driving simulators, which prepare students hands-on experience in vehicle design and human computer interaction. Department of Computer Science and Technology educates students with knowledge in big data research technique to investigate user requirements.

The Project guarantees the teaching quality, and it improves the scientific research and practice level of international students of applied psychology through the establishment of three groups of professors, namely, professor group of applied psychology, interdisciplinarity, and international human factors experts.

Main core Faculty(Part of the faculty)

Kaiping, Peng

Dean of the School of Social Sciences, Professor of the Department of Psychology of Tsinghua University; He was a tenured professor at the department of psychology at the University of California, Berkeley. He teaches Management Psychology, Cultural Psychology, Cross-cultural Communication Psychology, and Positive Psychology, etc.

Jia, Liu

Jia Liu is a Chair Professor at Department of Psychology at Tsinghua University. He received his PhD at the Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences at MIT.

Yuanchun, Shi

Yuanchun Shi is a professor of the Department of Computer Science. Yuanchun Shi received all her PhD, MS and BS in Computer Science and Technology Engineering from Tsinghua University. Her research achievements in Human-computer Interaction, Pervasive Computing, Multimedia and other fields have won many awards, including two National Science and Technology Progress Awards.

Pei-Luen Patrick Rau

Professor of the Department of Industrial Engineering, Tsinghua University, Doctoral Advisor. Outstanding Youth of the National Natural Science Foundation of China. The main research directions are Human Factors Engineering, Human-computer Interaction, User Insight and Experience Innovation, Cross-cultural Research, Welfare Design, Service Design and Evaluation, etc.

Wei, Zhang

Professor of the Institute of Human Factors and Ergonomics, Department of Industrial Engineering, Tsinghua University, Doctoral Advisor. The main research focuses are Driving Safety, Virtual Reality and Behavioral Simulation, Human-machine Simulation and Intervention, etc.


Professor of Department of Industrial Engineering,Tsinghua University.Dr Wu is interested in integrating cognitive science and engineering system design, improving transportation safety, promoting human performance in user-centered human-machine interaction, etc.

Minlie, Huang

Associate Professor and Doctoral Advisor of the Department of Computer Science and Technology, Tsinghua University. The research interests are Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Methods, including Deep Learning and Reinforcement Learning, etc.

Dan, Zhang

Deputy Chair and Associate Professor of the Department of Psychology, Tsinghua University. The research interests include Engineering Psychology, Brain-Computer Interaction and Social Neuroscience based on Wearable Physiological Measurement, etc.


Associate professor, Department of Psychology, School of Social Sciences, Tsinghua University Member of Chinese Psychological Association, Economic psychology division; Positive psychology division; Learning science division.Her research areas are in behavioral economics, positive psychology and economic psychology.

Course schedue

“Basic required courses for applied psychology ” Advanced Psychology Research Methods, Seminar on Applied Psychology, Developmental Psychology, Advanced Psychological Statistics, Seminar in Applied Social Psychology, Advanced Psychometrics.

“Elective courses” Ergonomics, Writing and Presentation in Psychology,Human Computer Interaction Technology,Machine Learning, Psycholinguistics, Neurolinguistics, Consumer Insight & Marketing,Human Robot Interaction.

Prospective Students

The program mainly enrolls international students including:

Product managers, designers or related practitioners from IT, communications and Internet enterprises;

Practitioners involved in the fields of AI, product design and development and user requirement analysis;

Ergonomics practitioners from airlines and car companies;

Graduate students majoring in Psychology, Information Science and Design;

People who are interested in engineering psychology, user experience, and have a willingness to engage in related work in the future.

Teaching Methods and Degree Award

1)The degree program takes two years and can be extended to three years according to student needs.

2)Language of instruction:All classes are taught in English.

3)Full-time study and learning in practice (Co-Op) are available. Through the review by the degree assessment committee of the degree award unit, all students can be awarded the degree and diploma of International Master of Applied Psychology (IMAP) of Tsinghua University after the completion of all course learning, internship, practice and other course requirements, obtaining the score specified, and passing the dissertation defense.

Application and Admission

1)THU admits students based on evaluation of their application documents together with a comprehensive assessment. Experts from the department will review the application materials (GRE/TOEFL score is not required), and select the qualified applicants in re-examination which will be performed via interview or remote interview. The specific method, location and time of the examination will be determined and released to the selected applicants by the department.

2)Applicants should complete an Online Application on this website during the designated THU application period ( Applicants should fill in the application information online, upload the application documents to the Online Application System, and pay the application fee online at the time of submission.

Application Schedule:(Beijing Time)

First Round: September 25, 2023,8:00-December 15,17:00

Second Round: January 01, 2024, 8:00-March 31, 17:00

☆The winter break of THU will be from Jan 25,2024 to Feb 21,2024. The application system will still be available during the winter break, but online verification might be delayed due to the vacation. Applicants are therefore recommended to complete their application at least two or three weeks in advance.

Tuition Fee and Contact Information

Tuition fee

Total tuition: RMB148,000/person

First academic year: RMB74,000

Second academic year: RMB74,000

Contact Information

IMAP admission office of the School of Social Sciences,Tsinghua University

Address: Room 113, MingZhai Building, Tsinghua University , Haidian District, Beijing, 100084, China.

Mobile phone: +8613552292094 +86-10-62780677

Wechat:imap_tsinghua / 13552292094

IMAP Website:

THU Graduate Admission Office

Postal code: 100084

Mobile phone: +86-10-62781380


Application Portal:

Website of Tsinghua University: