India: the Challenge of Building National Unity while Nurturing Cultural Diversity
演讲人: Ramachandra Guha
时间: March 6th 10:00-12:00
地点: 新斋335教室, Xinzhai 335
语言为英语,Lecture in English
简介:Ramachandra Guha,是印度的知名专栏评论家和作家。曾在耶鲁和斯坦福授课,2011-2012年度任伦敦政治经济学院Phillipe Roman Chair in History and International Affairs。主要著作有The Unquiet Woods (Oxford University Press, 1989); Savaging the Civilized (University of Chicago Press, 1999), A Corner of a Foreign Field (Picador), India after Gandhi (Picador, 2007), A life of the anthropologist-activist Verrier Elwin(Picador) 等,